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Lawyer refused access to Court by Egyptian Authorities

The Egyptian authorities today refused Darragh Mackin, lawyer for Ibrahim Halawa, access to the hearing scheduled to take place in a purposely designed Court inside Cairos Wady al natroon prison.   Lawyers Darragh Mackin and Gavin Booth, from the Human Rights firm KRW LAW LLP, based in Belfast, travelled to Egypt for the purposes of […]

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Ibrahim Halawa’s family has appointed an experienced legal team to represent him on all Irish and international law issues: solicitor Darragh Mackin at KRW Law, Belfast, and barristers Caoilfhionn Gallagher, Katie O’Byrne and Mark Wassouf of Doughty Street Chambers, London.   The legal team says that there have been serious violations of Ibrahim Halawa’s rights […]

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Niall Murphy attends UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva on behalf of Relatives for Justice to make submissions in respect of the 7th Periodic report on UK compliance with international human rights obligations.

Relatives for Justice (RfJ) was established in 1991 by the relatives of people killed by British soldiers, members of the RUC and by loyalist paramilitary organisations in circumstances where collusion with state forces is suspected. Today Rfj’s holistic support and advocacy services extend to the bereaved and injured of all participants to the conflict. RFJ […]

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The Hooded Men

KRW LAW LLP is instructed by a number of The Hooded Men interned and tortured by the British government in August 1971. These 14 men became the first (there were others to follow) “Guinea Pigs” in the British army’s deployment of ‘deep interrogation’ or what has become known as The Five Techniques. These techniques had […]

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The Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings Rules 2015

On the 5th of May 2015 The Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings (Costs) (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2015 came into operation.   These rules are a direct attack on the capacity of legal defence practitioners to exercise their proper function both to their clients and to wider society.   When these rules were first […]

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