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Supreme Court rules on Inquest decision

  Supreme Court rules on Inquest decision We act for the Dalton family in todays important SCUK ruling in relation to their ongoing battle for an inquest into their father Eugenes murder The Supreme Court has upheld the previous appeal by the Attorney General to the court of appeal and has declined to order […]

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Belturbet families threaten legal action

We act on behalf of the next of kin of Geraldine O’Reilly and Patrick Stanley both of whom were killed in a Loyalist paramilitary bomb explosion in December 1972. No one has ever been convicted of the attack which also left 8 people injured. Gardai have undertaken six separate reports but to date the details […]

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Salins Petition

KRW LAW has been assisting Osgur Breatnach and the other surviving Sallins Men in their campaign for truth, justice and accountability following their wrongful arrest, detention, interrogation – including torture – prosecution and imprisonment after the Sallins Train Robbery 1976. Today the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) and other leading civil society organisations will […]

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KRW LAW lodge Legacy Bill legal challenges

The British Governments legacy Bill will be challenged in 5 cases issued in the High Court in Belfast. The Bill passed through the House of Commons last week and currently awaits Royal Assent. In advance of that we have applied for emergency judicial intervention to adjudicate on the cases. The first preliminary hearings will take place […]

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