KRW LAW LLP represent the family of Jorja Emerson. Jorja, from Bangor, County Down, has been suffering prolonged and serious epilepsy and is currently being cared for in the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald. She was born in February 2016 with a chromosome depletion which triggers epileptic seizures and it is the seizures which could prove fatal.
Jorja is waiting to be assessed by a team specialising in her rare condition in the USA. To make their assessment the American doctors in Miami, Florida, require access to Jorja’s medical records. To date the family have been denied these important papers. The medical records relate to her time when she was a patient at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. KRW LAW LLP and the family have made repeated attempts to have these records disclosed by the Belfast Trust and threatened litigation.
Late week, Marie Hans, Solicitor and Associate with KRW LAW LLP, secured access to Jorja’s medical records and they have been provided to her parents, Carly and Robbie. The family are to make these records and notes available to the doctors in the USA, who will liaise with them in respect of Jorja’s prognosis, care and treatment.
Marie Hans noted:
‘’We considered carefully the contents of the medical notes and met Jorja’s family to review them. After that we will assess the next move as quickly as possible given the serious time constraints and extreme urgency of the case”
“Time has been of the upmost importance in this case and we are pleased that it has been expedited within the Trust following engagement with our office. We will continue to assist the family in any way we can to ensure Jorja receives the appropriate care required.”
Contact: Marie Hans (07743857140)