KRW LAW LLP represents a number of victims of sexual abuse whilst ‘in the care of’ The Kincora Boys’ Home.
KRW is actively considering further legal challenges on behalf of those we represent in the wake of the publication of the HIA Report earlier this year.
Our clients maintain that both the conduct of the HIA and the conclusion of its Report were unsatisfactory and have not allayed public concerns in relation to the grave allegations made regarding the role of state agents in the Kincora Boys’ Home Sexual Abuse scandal during the Conflict.
KRW also represents victims of systemic sexual in a number of other institutions examined by the HIA.
The HIA Report recommended a scheme of redress for the victims of systemic institutional sexual abuse examined during the course of its investigation. This includes a financial compensation scheme.
The HIA Report was received by the OFMDFM and the Executive at Stormont. The current political crisis at Stormont has meant that there has been no progress on accepting or implementing the recommendations of the HIA Report. It requires political will and consensus and a commitment to fiscal resources to implement the HIA Report recommendations.
Today victims of systemic institutional sexual abuse from across Northern Ireland together with lawyers, academics and human rights NGOs will meet civil servants from The Executive Office at Stormont to establish the status of the HIA Report Recommendations and to push on a way forward through the present political and constitutional impasse in addition to making concrete proposals of their own on this matter.
KRW LAW LLP Associate Claire McKeegan will be in attendance. KRW has advised our clients that civil claims for compensation against institutions and individuals remain an active possibility.