KRW LAW LLP is instructed by Ann McKernan, the sister of Gerry Conlon. Gerry Conlon was one of the Guildford Four wrongfully imprisoned for The Guildford Pub Bombings 1974. Gerry Conlon died in 2014. KRW is also assisting one of the young soldiers who survived the bombing of The Horse and Groom Pub in Guildford. This former soldier wishes to remain anonymous but whose life has been traumatised by the bombing. The bomb in The Horse and Groom killed four soldiers and one civilian.


Last week we applied to the Senior Coroner for Surrey requesting that he consider resuming the inquest into The Guildford Pub Bombings 1974 on the basis that he had power, jurisdiction and sufficient reason to do so. There is no police investigation and the inquest was adjourned following the conviction of The Guildford Four. No one has ever been convicted of the bombing.


Today we have been informed that it is the Senior Coroner’s intention to locate and to contact the families of those who died as a result of the bombings to explain the nature of the application that has been made and, should they so wish, to allow them to make representations in respect of it. Once contact with the families has been made, the Coroner will list the matter for a hearing so that written and oral submissions can be presented to the Court. In the circumstances, it is unlikely that that hearing will take place before the end of the year.


KRW LAW LLP welcome this decision of the Senior Coroner and his intention to locate and contact the families of the victims. We also welcome the possibility of a hearing at which we can make further written submissions and oral argument before him.


Christopher Stanley, Litigation Consultant at KRW LAW LLP said:


“Our experience of resumed and fresh inquests in Northern Ireland and in Birmingham has demonstrated to us that this legal process can provide a truth recovery mechanism for relatives of victims and survivors and provide answers to many unanswered questions. Those relative and survivors are entitled as a matter of law, and indeed an internationally binding legal agreement, to have access to a judicially supervised forum which provides unambiguous access to truth recovery for themselves and for their communities”