Victims of Irish Police Spy Operation Demand Inclusion in UK Inquiry

Three victims of a controversial police spying unit operating in Ireland have filed legal action to demand their inclusion in the ongoing British Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI).  The spy unit has sparked controversy across Europe, while the Tánaiste has failed to support victims.


In 2015 revelations that undercover officers had deceived activist women into long-term intimate relationships forced then UK Home Secretary Theresa May to establish a public inquiry into undercover political policing (UCPI) (under the Chair of Sir Christopher Pitchford). However, the UCPI was given the remit to cover only England and Wales, although the same undercover officers were known to have operated in Ireland carrying out the same objectionable actions.  These practices have received extensive Irish media coverage.


Three victims of former British undercover London Metropolitan Police Service (LMPS) Officer Mark Kennedy have been granted “Core Participant” status at the UCPI because they were targeted in England, yet the three were also targeted by Kennedy in Ireland, and have so far been denied access to justice in this jurisdiction. Despite numerous Parliamentary Questions further exposing the scandal, the British government has resisted Irish inclusion the UCPI, and victims Sarah Hampton, Kim Bryan and Jason Kirkpatrick have filed legal action with the Minister for Justice and Equality to seek action and a chance for justice.


Jason Kirkpatrick, who was targeted in Ireland by undercover officer Mark Kennedy stated:


“The London Metropolitan Police have been forced to admit violating human rights, and to apologise to some of those they targeted. If the government of Ireland was complicit in the same actions, they also must apologise. It is absolutely frustrating that Ireland has been excluded from the current investigation into undercover policing, where it is publicly known that British undercover police officers operated in Ireland in the same way.”[1]


Mr Kirkpatrick further said:


“With the submission of this legal action, I’m hoping to move one step further towards finding out why I was targeted in Ireland by one of the most elite undercover officers of the British state. It makes no sense that my being targeted in England by secret police is to be fully examined in the Inquiry, but information about my being targeted by the same known officer in Ireland is to be kept completely secret.”


Darragh Mackin of KRW LAW LLP stated:


“It is alarming that there were a number of MET undercover officers in operation in this jurisdiction without any form of accountability.  It is our clients’ case that in light of this evidence, that the Pitchford Inquiry should be extended so that it may, in essence, follow the ‘evidential trial’.  It is illogical to assert that an investigation is required in London, but not in this jurisdiction.” 



Notes for Editors:



Any queries should be directed to Darragh Mackin, solicitor for Sarah Hampton, Kim Bryan and Jason Kirkpatrick. Darragh Mackin, KRW Law, at or 00447976070023


Jason Kirkpatrick can be contacted directly on jason ( at )


Background material can be accessed at:-

The UCPI website and Core Participants

UK police spied on us, Irish protesters tell inquiry:

Fitzgerald should seek answers on undercover British police in Ireland:

Gardai probe UK police spy’s role with Shell to Sea:

Pitchford Inquiry: Claire Sugden wants undercover police investigation extended to NI:


[1]   Relationships with undercover officers wreck lives. The lies must stop: